EU Environmental Impact Assessment Directive - challenges and perspectives in the light of the past experiences and the recent proposal for amendment
Date and place: 23-24 May 2013, Wrocław, Law Faculty of the Wrocław University, Uniwersytecka St. 7-10 (Building "D"), I floor The aim of the conference is to examine the proposed changes of the EIA Directive in the light of the hitherto practical experience (Member States experience, jurisprudence of EU courts and international bodies) and views expressed in the literature. The purpose is to identify the possible challenges with a view to influence the further legislative process. Organizers: Scientific Committee:
Agenda and conference presentations Please note that the conference is organized as a "green event". This means that, when planning and implementing the Conference, the organizers undertook all steps to minimize and possibly offset the carbon footprint it created. The organizers also tried to choose solutions which would bring tangible environmental and social benefits. More information about the Green Event
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