Jendrośka Jerzmański Bar & Partners. Environmental Lawyers specialises in environmental law. It was established by a group of lawyers from The Environmental Law Center, an independent think tank and advisory body which specialises in this field.


  • consultancy, providing information, advice and preparing legal opinions on Polish and European Union’s environmental laws, especially in the context of European integration | show more
  • law-drafting
  • publishing | show more
  • organising workshops and conferences | show more

We provide our services in Polish and English!

In our activities we follow our Code of Conduct. See it here


  • businesses,
  • central governmental authorities and administration,
  • governmental and self-governmental administration.

Jendrośka Jerzmański Bar & Partners. Environmental Lawyers cooperates with outstanding environmental law and policy experts having significant domestic and foreign experience.
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How to contact us? See here


Mr Jerzy Jendrośka
Managing Partner
see CV in English
Mr Jan Jerzmański
Partner, Member of the Board
Ms Magdalena Bar
see CV in English
Mr Zbigniew Bukowski

Consultancy and advisory activities

We offer a comprehensive environmental law-related consultancy. Our offer is directed towards the entrepreneurs, governmental and municipal administration, as well as to other institutions and persons.

It includes, among others, preparing overall legal analysis, especially in the context of the duties resulting from Polish accession to the European Union. This covers mainly:

  • environmental protection in investment process, including legal aspects of conducting Environmental Impact Assessment;
  • issuing ecological permits;
  • air protection;
  • drinking- and wastewater management;
  • waste management;
  • soil protection;
  • nature protection;
  • noise and radiation protection;

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We offer a wide range of publications. The most important are the following:

    • Environmental Protection Law. Commentary. ed. J. Jendrośka, cooperating ed. M. Bar, Environmental Law Center, Wrocław 2001, 1045 pages
    • Waste Act of 27 April 2001. Commentary. Ed. J. Jerzmański with M. Bar, Environmental Law Center, Wrocław 2002, 528 pages
    • Packaging and Product and Deposit Charges Legislations. Commentary. Ed. J. Jendrośka, M. Bar, Environmental Law Center, Wrocław 2002, 528 pagesEnvironmental Law. Textbook, J. Jendrośka, M. Bar, Environmental Law Center, Wrocław 2005, 1136 pages
    • UN ECE multilateral environmental agreements and their compliance and enforcement mechanisms, M. Bar, Jerzy J., Environmental Law Center, Wrocław 2004, 318 pages;
    • Access to Justice in Environmental Matters. M. Bar, J. Jendrośka, K. Tarnacka, Environmental Law Center, Wrocław 2002, 272 pages;
  • UN ECE Protocol on Civil Liability and Compensation for Damage Caused by the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents on Transboundary Waters. Commentary, M. Bar, Environmental Law Center, Wrocław 2003, 90 pages;
  • Environmental Law in Poland in the Context of Accession to European Union – Selected Issues. ed. J. Jendrośka, Environmental Law Center, Wrocław 2001, 190 pages
  • New Environmental Legislations in Poland Harmonized with EU Requirements. ed. J. Jendroska, Environmental Law Center, Wrocław 2001, 217 pages
  • New Nature Protection Act. Commentary to the Act of 7 December, 2000 on Amendments to Nature Protection Law, M. Bar, M. Górski, J. Jerzmański; Environmental Law Center, Wrocław 2001, 160 pages
  • Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers as an Instrument of Environmental Policy. Organisational and Legal Aspects. ed. J. Jendrośka, Environmental Law Center, Wrocław 2001, 188 pages
  • Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters. Commentary. J. Jendrośka, W. Radecki, Wrocław 1999, 115 pages


In addition to that, in co-operation with the publishing house Dashofer Verlag, “Environmental Law Textbook for Practitioners” is published, an updated quarterly guidebook on environmental law, edited by J. Jendrośka and J. Jerzmański. It describes actual and planned environmental regulations in Poland and evaluates their compliance with the EU legislation. All texts are written by a group of outstanding environmental law specialists (e.g. Professors: W. Radecki; Ph.D., M. Górski; Ph.D., A. Lipiński; Ph.D., J. Rotko; Ph.D. and E. Kaleta-Jagiełło, Ph.D.).

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Our experts lead numerous workshops and conferences on Polish and EU environmental law. These events are attended by representatives of various governmental and self-governmental bodies and by representatives of the business and NGO’s.

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Jendrośka Jerzmański Bar & Partners. Environmental Lawyers, using connections and experience gathered by Environmental Law Center, collaborates with various institutions:


  • Lower and Upper Houses of Parliament
  • Ministry of the Environment
  • Local and regional governmental authorities at different level
  • Governmental administration

  • UNEP
  • European Commission


We also co-operate with the Regional Environmental Center (REC) in Szentendre, the Environmental Law Institute in Washington DC, the Eco-Institute in Darmstadt, American Bar Association CEELI and many Polish research centers, academic institutions and consultancy enterprises.

Code of Conduct

General provisions

§ 1
In its activities JJB Law Firm shall promote environmental protection in its commitment to harmoniously reconcile the clients’ interests with the public interest related to environmental protection. It shall also promote rule of law, environmental democracy and European integration.
Aiming to achieve these goals JJB is prepared to co-operate with various organisations, institutions and other entities.

§ 2
Following the provisions of law, the JJB lawyers shall take into account not only the effective provisions of Polish law, but also the provisions of international and EU law; in consideration, too, of the principle of precedence and other effective principles of application of EU law.

§ 3
The legal assistance provided by the JJB lawyers shall not aim at facilitating the commitment of an act forbidden by the law in effect, including one subject to a criminal or an administrative sanction, or avoiding the legal responsibility for an act which would be committed in the future.

§ 4
The JJB lawyers shall not deliberately give false information to the court or another authority.


§ 5
The JJB lawyers shall render their services in compliance with the effective regulations and the highest professional standards in order to protect the interests of their clients.

§ 6
In case of a conflict of interest between the rights of a JJB client and human, civil, labour rights or the obligation to protect the environment, the JJB lawyers shall follow the provisions of law, taking into account the principles referred to in § 2, and, in the absence of a legal standard – the principle of equity, the generally recognised principles of environmental protection and their own conscience.

Conflict of interest

§ 7
1. The JJB lawyers shall not render their services in favour of more than one client if a conflict of interest between them may be presumed to occur in a given case.
2. Should a potential conflict of interest emerge, JJB shall notify its clients thereof and cease to handle a given case further if the client does not give consent to its continued handling of that case.

Professional confidentiality

§ 8
1. The JJB lawyers shall keep confidential the information gained in the course of the provision of services by the law firm.
2. The obligation to keep the confidentiality referred to in paragraph 1 shall be unlimited in time.

Final conclusions

§ 9
In the matters unregulated above, the JJB lawyers of the law firm shall follow the generally adopted ethical principles which bind lawyers, including the ethical code of lawyers in the European Union.

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Pl. Solny 16
50-062 Wrocław
tel.: (+48 71) 34 102 34
fax: (+48 71) 34 101 97

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