The Barycz Valley and Milicz Ponds Area is one of the more precious natural areas in Poland, and a partner area in the Living Lakes network.

In the Barycz Valley it was adopted an exceptional model of bottom-up sustainable development (following NGOs and local government initiative), aiming at development of the ecotourism and local products, and protection and promotion of natural richness. Experiences in living in harmony with Nature which were developed in the Barycz Valley are also successfully used in other areas with valuable Nature.

More about the region:

The visit in the Area will be guided by an ornithologist and naturalist and will include birds’ watching.

Timeframes of the excursion:

  • about 9 a.m. - departure from Wrocław (coach ride to the the Barycz Valley)
  • 10-12 - visiting the Area
  • 12-13 - lunch (offering local products)
  • about 14 - return to Wrocław

Jendro¶ka Jerzmański Bar i Wspólnicy. Prawo gospodarcze i ochrony ¶rodowiska. Sp. z o.o. |